Never a Dull Moment

Sunday, June 20, 2010

When it rains, it pours!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trying to get to church this morning started last night. My grandson's first birthday party was last night and I had some ice cream and a little bit of his birthday cookie -- this probably wasn't the best idea since I've been on a diet for about seven weeks and have not really eaten anything too rich for that long. The gurgles started at the party but got really bad last night about ten o'clock. The gurgling in my digestive system was every bit as loud and volatile as the thunder storm that was rolling through outside. I wasn't able to sleep for more than about an hour at a time.

At eight o'clock this morning, I started trying to wake up my daughter. I got a grunt in response so I asked her if she was awake and got a droopy, "yeaaaaah." I tried to wake her up three more times, before I decided to go back to bed. I sent her a text message that said, "I'm not getting up until you do. I don't feel good and I didn't sleep well. Let me know when you're up." At 8:41, I finally get a text message from her saying, "I'm up." So.............I get up and jump in the shower.

The fighting ensues with my daughter. As I'm getting ready to go, my daughter comes out of her bedroom in a blue and white vertical striped button-up shirt and black, gray and white plaid shorts and tan shoes. I tell her to change her shirt. She gets mad and tells me it's fine. I tell her that she needs to change her shirt because the clothes don't even remotely match. She gets mad and turns around and slams her door.

She soon realizes we're not going to make it to Sunday School on time and she thinks it's my fault. I tell her that if she'd have gotten up when I tried to wake her up four times, this wouldn't be an issue. She and I continue to bicker and I'm turning my blow dryer off and on so that I can hear what she's saying. So....the smoke starts billowing out of my blow dryer. I unplug the blow dryer and the smoke thankfully immediately ceases. I look at myself in the mirror and see that my hair is still pasted to the sides of my face because it is that wet. I grab my brush, my makeup and go downstairs.

We finally get out of the house to drive the 10 miles across town to the church and we're making good time. We're going to make it on time. It's 9:21...we can do it. We're 18 blocks away. What happens??? Detour!! I couldn't believe it! The detour takes us a couple of miles out of the way! Arghhhhhh!!!!

Believe it or not, the story is actually even longer than this if I included all of the things that happened this morning, but.....we made it to Sunday School on time.

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