After thinking about the goals that I've set for myself this year, it seems that "time management" is key to getting all of these thinngs accomplished. Between my family, working full-time and taking three classes in college, time management will be the ONLY way that I will get anything else accomplished.
I googled "time management tips" and found a few tips:
1. Plan each day -- If you plan your day, it can help you to accomplish more in the day and can help you feel more in control when life sometimes seems out of control. Making a "to-do" list and prioritizing your tasks for the day can take a lot of the headache out of your day before it hits.
2. Say "no" to non-essential tasks. I'm especially guilty of this one. If someone asks me to do something, I have a really difficult time saying no. This is definitely one I'll have to work on. I get myself so overloaded with extra tasks sometimes, I don't know how I get anything done.
3. Delegate. My daughter won't be too happy about this one. I think that there needs to be some delegation of chores on an on-going basis. :)
4. Get plenty of sleep. This is a hard one for me lately. I can't seem to get to sleep at night. I need to set a time for myself to be in bed with no computer or book!!
5. Healthy diet and exercise. I'm a work-in-progress on this one. I made a new start today. I've chosen to do the Metabolic Research Center diet on my own and put my daughter in charge of the accountability department. She's going to review my food journal and I have to weigh-in in front of her twice a week. She's already on task and told me that she'd be asking me about my exercising too.
6. Take time for you. This is something that I need to make more productive. Lately, my "me" time has been playing Farmville. There are probably better uses of my time.
All in all, I think the goal of working on some time management skills doesn't seem undoable. It will just take some discipline on my part to get out of over-drive and make some conscious choices to make my life better.
Write a novel? I am and I have finished five novels. The first was painfully tough, now it is just a matter of the story line. Then work. email Hope to hear from you.